
Strange Beast is a full-service animation production studio based in London. Our work is led by our talented roster of directors, each bringing their own unique style and distinctive tone of voice.

We are proud to be part of the PASSION group – an independent production company formed in 1987.

Diversity & Inclusion

We are a studio that prides itself on making a safe, supportive space in which individuals can thrive in all areas of animation production.

Since 2016, Strange Beast has held a gender-balanced roster of directors & crew across our projects. In this spirit of inclusivity and equality, we are committed to fostering better representation & support for creatives from marginalised backgrounds.

As part of our commitment, we create pathways through mentoring, portfolio reviews & careers advice to people who may face socio-economic barriers into the industry. By engaging with talent from diverse & underrepresented backgrounds, we aim to build a more inclusive network within our studio and the wider animation community.

